At TripleCheck things are never stable nor pretty, same old news. However, data archival and search algorithms kept booming beyond expectations, both of them estimated to grow 10x over the next 12 months as we finally add up more computing power and storage. So, can't complain about that.
What I do complain today is about privacy. More specifically, the value of anonymity. One of the business models we envisioned for this technology is the capacity to break source code apart and discover who really wrote each part of the source code. We see it as a wonderful tool for plagiarism detection, but one of the remote scenarios also envisioned was uncovering the identity for hidden authors of malware.
Malware authorship detection had been an hypothesis. It made good sense to help catch these malware authors, the "bad guys" and bring them to justice when committing cyber-warfare. There hadn't been many chances to test this kind of power measuring over the past year because we are frankly too busy with other topics.
But today that changed. Was reading the news about an IoT malware spread into the wild, whose source code got published in order to maximize damage:
For those not understanding why someone makes malware code public on this context, it is because "script kiddies" will take that code, make changes and amplify its damaging reach. The author was anonymous and nowadays seems easy to just blame the Russians for every hack out there. So I said to myself: "let's see if we can find who really wrote the code".
Downloaded the source code for the original Mirai malware, which can be downloaded from:
Scanned the source code through the tool and started seeing plagiarism matches on the terminal.
What I wasn't expecting was that it generated such a clear list. In less than 10 minutes had already narrowed the matches to a single person on the Internet. For a start, he surely wasn't Russian. I've took the time to go deeper and see what he had been doing in previous years, previous projects and areas of interest. My impression is that he might feel disgruntled with "the system", specifically about the lack of security and privacy that exists nowadays. That this malware was his way of demonstrating to public that IoT can be too easily exploited and this is urgent to change.
And then I was sad.
This didn't looked like a "bad guy", he wasn't doing it for profit. This was a plain engineer like me. I could read his posts and see what he wrote about this lack of device security to no avail, nobody listened. Only when something bad happens, people listen. Myself couldn't care less about IoT malware until this exploit was out in the wild, so what he did worked.
If his identity would now be revealed, this might mean legal repercussions for an action that in essence is today forcing manufacturers to fix their known security holes (they wouldn't fix otherwise because it costs them extra money per device).
Can we really permit cases where after talking gets nothing done, only an exploit forces these fixes to happen in the future?
I don't know the answer. All that I know is that an engineer with possibly good intentions released the source code to fix a serious security hole before it would grow bigger (IoT devices grow every year). That person has published the code under the presumption of anonymity, which our tech is now be able to uncover and possibly bring damage to a likely good person and engineer.
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