Steak time

A night with some real steak. Already missed a good quality meal for a while now. It just seems easier to eat fast-food and forget about the rest.

Oh well, it had the same flavor as the cow meat from the Azores, albeit more expensive and not so much to eat in terms of quantity.

New phone: Samsung Beam

It was around a year since the last time I got a cellphone. Last time was a Samsung Galaxy v1 and this time was a Beam.

In overall, the old phone still works great and I will now pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it better than me.

Being my birthday, I just decided to indulge myself onto another tech-savvy gadget that few others would understand. The thing that I like the most from this new phone is the external pico-projector.

Believe it or not, it is a full fledged video projector inside the phone that turns any wall in a darker room onto a giant sized tv set. Very fun, especially for sliding through pictures.

One year passed and this device costed about the same as my previous device. I still remember when back in 2002 I ordered a Sony Clie pda whose high point was the support to mp3 and pictures (no phone call support).

Technology moves at a fast pace, so must we do the same to keep up with the changes.